Worthiness and the Word - single christian women, stay-at-home-daughters, living with purpose, spiritual growth, meaningful connections

Find Purpose and Peace as a Single Christian Woman Do you wonder what your purpose is during this season of singleness? Do you feel spiritually stagnant and unsure of how to connect with others? Are you convinced that your life as a single woman is meaningless? I know that God has a plan for you and that His timing is perfect. I want to help you find worthiness, joy, peace, and purpose even now... in your singlehood. This podcast offers practical tips for developing and maintaining healthy relationships with those around you, motivation to deepen your relationship with God, and guidance to live your life with intentionality. What to focus on when getting married seems far away or if you have no idea what you should even be doing right now. As someone who spent years feeling lost and purposeless as a single woman, I understand the struggles that come with this season. Home Ec. classes certainly didn’t cover ”What to do as a single woman in your 30s when you had hoped to marry.” That’s why I created this podcast - to fill that gap and provide support for those who feel alone and confused. To guide you on seeking Him while you find who He’s created you to be in this season. If you’re ready to build meaningful connections, grow in your faith, and discover purpose and direction in your life, then I’m thrilled to have you here. So grab a drink, a pen, and a notebook, and let’s dive in! Connect: worthinessandtheword@gmail.com Instagram: @worthinessandtheword

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Tuesday Sep 19, 2023

Nothing ever really goes exactly as planned. Things may work out in the end, our good intentions may pan out, and we make the most of it. 
Or do we?
Do you go with the flow as things unfold or do you stress when nothing seems to be going your way?
Do you struggle when carefully laid plans go awry or do you roll with the punches life throws your way?
You can have the best temperament and the most patience and STILL struggle when things don’t go as you think they should. So what do we do when that happens? How can we prepare, both physically and mentally, for if things just don’t work out?
That’s what we’re talking about today!
Remember, YOU have worth and a purpose!
Till next time,
Connect with me:
Grab your FREE 10 minute directional coaching session! - https://worthinessandtheword.ck.page/free-coaching 
Need more than 10 minutes? Book a 30 or 60 minute session!
30 minutes - https://worthinessandtheword.ck.page/products/directional-coaching-30-minutes 
60 minutes - https://worthinessandtheword.ck.page/products/directional-coaching-60-minutes 
Sign up for my newsletter to stay in the know! - https://worthinessandtheword.ck.page/newsletter 

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023

Are you struggling with the thought of, “I’d be so much happier if I were married.” or “I’d be so much happier if I had a family of my own.”? 
Have you ever stopped to think if it really would?
Are you relying on external matters to dictate your mood or are you searching for true joy?
I want to dig into that with you in this episode and see if you are settling for finding “happiness” or are resting in true joy and what steps you can take to make sure you’re leaning into the right one.
Remember, YOU have worth and a purpose!
Till next time,Tara
Connect with me:worthinessandtheword@gmail.com https://www.instagram.com/worthinessandtheword 
Grab your FREE 10 minute directional coaching session! - https://worthinessandtheword.ck.page/free-coaching 
Need more than 10 minutes? Book a 30 or 60 minute session!
30 minutes - https://worthinessandtheword.ck.page/products/directional-coaching-30-minutes 60 minutes - https://worthinessandtheword.ck.page/products/directional-coaching-60-minutes 
Sign up for my newsletter to stay in the know! - https://worthinessandtheword.ck.page/newsletter 
Additional Links
Learn To Live Low-Tox podcast with Mary Kleinhans: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/learn-to-live-low-tox-clean-eating-healthy-food-holistic/id1688238278 

Tuesday Aug 29, 2023

This season of your life isn’t a curse, so we shouldn’t treat it or look at it that way. Instead, choose to see it from a different perspective.
Listen to these three checks in today’s episode to see if you are viewing your current season of singleness in a constructive way or are living in a discouraging state of mind.
Remember, YOU have worth and a purpose!
Till next time,
Connect with me:
Grab your FREE 10 minute directional coaching session! - https://worthinessandtheword.ck.page/free-coaching 
Need more than 10 minutes? Book a 30 or 60 minute session!
30 minutes - https://worthinessandtheword.ck.page/products/directional-coaching-30-minutes
60 minutes - https://worthinessandtheword.ck.page/products/directional-coaching-60-minutes
Sign up for my newsletter to stay in the know! - https://worthinessandtheword.ck.page/newsletter
Additional Links
Where to find Amanda Tero and her books:

Monday Aug 28, 2023

The biggest desire we face as single women is to have that life companion. To have that someone to do life with and be nearby when we need a hug or encouragement. 
That struggle is definitely real, but what do we do when it feels overwhelming to not have that person? When loneliness feels like it may overtake us? When it feels like no on understands?
Well, that’s exactly what I’m talking about on today’s episode and I’ve got 4 ways that you can find contentment without a companion in this current season of your life.
Remember, YOU have worth and a purpose!
Till next time,
Connect with me:
Grab your FREE 10 minute directional coaching session! - https://worthinessandtheword.ck.page/free-coaching
Need more than 10 minutes? Book a 30 or 60 minute session!
30 minutes - https://worthinessandtheword.ck.page/products/directional-coaching-30-minutes
60 minutes - https://worthinessandtheword.ck.page/products/directional-coaching-60-minutes
Sign up for my newsletter to stay in the know! - https://worthinessandtheword.ck.page/newsletter

Sunday Aug 27, 2023

Welcome to my brand new podcast! You’re here because, like me, you’re still single and searching for what God wants you to do with your life. I hope you’ll join me in each episode as I talk to you about life, passion and purpose, and growing closer to God and those that are currently in our lives. 
Let’s come together and create a community for us all to feel seen and heard as we walk this path of singleness together!
Remember, YOU have worth and a purpose!
Till next time,
Connect with me:
Grab your FREE 10 minute directional coaching session! - https://worthinessandtheword.ck.page/free-coaching
Need more than 10 minutes? Book a 30 or 60 minute session!
30 minutes - https://worthinessandtheword.ck.page/products/directional-coaching-30-minutes
60 minutes - https://worthinessandtheword.ck.page/products/directional-coaching-60-minutes
Sign up for my newsletter to stay in the know! - https://worthinessandtheword.ck.page/newsletter

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